Church and MyCrappySexLife(.com)
It seems some
It seems some
Today is my birthday. It seems I'm not the only one who is underwhelmed by it all.
A woman apparently died after participating in a contest for KDND 107.9 radio. The contest, call "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" awarded the game console to the person who could drink the most water without going to the bathroom.
The decision by Toys 'R Us to disqualify Yuki Lin as "First Baby of the Year" because her parents are undocumented immigrants is coming under fire by many, particularly in the Chinese community.
"People are just pretty much outraged," said John Wang, president of the 13-year-old Asian American Business Development Center, on Wall Street, adding that he was perplexed by the company's actions.
"The schools accept children whose parents are illegal aliens in this country, so why is Toys 'R' Us taking this kind of position?" he asked. "They're supported by many people, whether they're legal or illegal, shopping in their stores, and they're injecting themselves into this debate."